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Time To Move On

Conservative commentator Max Boot has written a very sensible op-ed piece for the "Los Angeles Times" today. In it, he says that conservatives should give up the fight against same-sex marriage.

"Traditionalists have tried to put forward various nonmoral arguments against gay marriage, but none is particularly convincing. They argue, first, that we shouldn't tamper with thousands of years of tradition that holds that marriage is between a man and a woman. But 141 years ago we tampered with an equally old tradition: slavery. Their second argument is the slippery slope — first gay marriage gets legalized, then polygamy, pederasty, incest and who knows what. But this kind of reductio ad absurdum can be applied to just about anything. If liquor is legal for adults, why not for children? Society always draws the line somewhere."
More interestingly, I think, Boot suggests another reason for acquiescence that I haven't heard before: perhaps marriage will disappear altogether if heterosexuals get the chance to enter merely "civil unions":
"Since the ultimate concern of conservatives is to preserve the institution of marriage, they would probably be better off caving on gay marriage rather than acceding to the most popular alternative: civil union. Gay marriages won't affect straights. But if civil union laws were to catch on, as Jonathan Rauch argues in his provocative new book, "Gay Marriage," many heterosexuals would probably eschew marriage altogether. That would be worse for society than seeing Rosie O'Donnell get hitched."

May 20, 2004 in Same-sex relationships | Permalink


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