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Minority Experience Network

It's probably obvious that I'm not a joiner. However, if I were, I'd happily be signing the Manifesto put out by a group called Minority Experience Network. I don't know who they are, but there wasn't a single thing in their Resolution with which I could disagree. And with most of it, I could wholeheartedly lend my support.

"Whereas this United States, having been born in genocide, raised on slavery and grown prosperous from the continuous theft by murder of the UncleSamworld’s resources has now chosen to escalate its bid for complete dominion over the planet for the benefit of a greedy, chosen few ... We the undersigned, having exhausted every other option thru patience, petition and participation, manifested in the fertile soil of this country enriched with the blood shed by millions of our mothers brothers and children hereby resolve that there can be no decent human life anywhere on this planet as long as we continue to sustain the forces that devote all of our resources, derived from our labor in contravention to and the prevention of that most fundamental necessity."
They go on to propose an ambitious three-year strategy of withdrawal. They also have this great logo! Check them out.

June 6, 2004 in Anarchism, Capitalism | Permalink


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