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Brief Hiatus

To my small but loyal group of daily visitors, I have to apologize for the lack of new material. I am swamped by work commitments right now and just don't have the energy to do much else.

Therefore, I will not be posting again until this Saturday, the 25th.


September 21, 2004 | Permalink


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I think you might want to know about this letter (below) that we're shooting around the internet. It's about as progressive an idea as your going to read in the next dozen years...


Fellow Democrats:

After decades of relentless bashing by the Republican Party, the Progressive Income Tax has acquired a tarnished reputation in the eyes of many voters. Its defenders have been unable to effectively counter the now familiar Republican appeal to the average voter's very limited sense of self-interest.

The Taxwisdom.org Web Page has been created to help bring about a change in public attitudes toward the Progressive Income Tax. For the benefit of policymakers and voters, we provide a presentation of the powerful theory-based arguments that defend the Progressive Income Tax as the ideal form of taxation.

After reviewing the arguments found on our website, Cornell economist Robert H. Frank---author of The Winner Take All Society (1995), Luxury Fever (1999), and Principles of Economics (2001) --- said:

“…you can put me on record as saying that your arguments on tax policy are among the best that I’ve seen…”

They are powerful because they are derived from the same classical assumptions re: market dynamics that have always been championed by conservative economists. The conservative analytical tradition is used to reveal the ultimate folly of Supply-Side tax policy.

With these new market-based arguments in hand, Democrats will have the firepower they need to start heaping some ridicule on the Republicans for the stupidity of their ideas on tax policy.

Visit the Taxwisdom Web Page at...


...print out a copy of the article, and then sit back & enjoy learning about the economic arguments that have the power to utterly discredit the Republican Party’s economic philosophy in the eyes of the American people.

Please note that at this early stage in our efforts, we must rely on an Email Campaign and the efforts of individuals like you to spread the word. We encourage you to pass this letter on to other Democrats & give them a chance to see for themselves the future of tax policy in America.

Linette Tucker,
Email Campaign Manager
[email protected]

Posted by: Linette | Sep 25, 2004 5:25:15 PM