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Hiatus Update:

When I wrote that last post, I hadn't planned on developing pneumonia and spending 4 days in hospital!

Now, I'm back at home with a fistful of heavy duty drugs and an order "not to exert myself" for a few more days. That means I can sit here and catch up with all the news and start posting again -- tonight or tomorrow.

September 26, 2004 | Permalink


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Sorry to hear about the pneumonia. Get well soon.

Posted by: Peter Caress | Sep 26, 2004 5:08:16 PM

Thanks Peter. Unfortunately it is just about an annual affair for me at this time of year. I catch an early fall cold, leading to a couple of days in denial followed by a few days in hospital! Each year I promise myself that THIS time I will forgo the days of denial. But ...

Posted by: Jak King | Sep 26, 2004 7:20:40 PM