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International Women's Day
On My Way To Work on International Women’s Day, 2001
my true love,
my fino naked amontillado woman
waving goodbye with a promise on her face
At the bus stop seven women
three young
one old
four Oriental
wearing early morning faces
On the bus, a score or more
all different
pale blue anorak, red button earrings
long flowing flowering skirt
green duffel coat with a brown and cream scarf
grey baggy jeans
a Japanese girl,
matte black hair, matte black jacket, matte black jeans and shoes,
china white face
no hats
In rainsplashed grey, the homeless beggar girl
curled coldly in the bank entrance mouths
her need
her face pierced and tattooed
she’ll be easy to spot when the vigilantes ride
On the train it is too early
in the day to see the women
bowed down
dragged down
by bunches of plastic-bagged groceries
but there are plenty of
the occasional briefcase
One woman works through the newspaper crossword
One woman reads a soft cover novel with a lurid colour scheme
One woman intently studies a thick textbook in an unknown subject
Black stockings
grey stockings
flesh-coloured stockings
black shoes (mainly) but also
a white-rimmed runner
a blue suede shoe
and a dark brown number with tall wooden heels
no hats
and at the next bus stop there is Karen,
my special friend
calls me “sweet man”
the special needs transit pass her necklace which she wears as proudly as a duchess wears a diamond
we share my umbrella, discuss her work
I sleep on the bus
surrounded by women I wouldn’t get to sleep with in any other circumstances
March 8, 2005 in Poetry | Permalink
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Im not forgetting anything now. Thanks for the guide.
Posted by: penny auctions | Jun 6, 2011 9:06:07 AM