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The Loss of Hawai'i's Freedom

Lest we forget:-  Today is the 113th anniversary of the overthrow of the Hawai'ian monarchy by US business interests, which led directly to the imperialist annexation of the islands by the United States of America.  Manifest Destiny stretched forth its hand and stole a country on this day of infamy.

January 17, 2006 in America Inc, History | Permalink


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"Manifest Destiny," as envisioned & justified by the American Democratic Party in the 1830s & 1840s, applied only to the North American continent (as in "from sea to shining sea") & also applied to the Jeffersonian vision of a nation of farmers (not "business interests," whatever that means). One would need to be familiar with American history to know this.

Posted by: deacon blue | Apr 8, 2006 9:37:36 PM

Technically, you are correct -- as my US History degree taught me. However, conceptually you seem to be stuck in an inflexible past. Manifest Destiny is a perfectly fine expression to describe America's exptionalist imperialism -- which included the seizure of Hawai'i.

Posted by: Jak | Apr 9, 2006 2:10:32 PM