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The Free Market

Wow.  First I'm quoting and agreeing with Pat Buchanan.  Now, here's a Milton Freidman quote with which I wholeheartedly agree:

“The great virtue of a free market is that it enables people who hate each other, or who are from vastly different religious or ethnic backgrounds, to cooperate economically. Government intervention can’t do that. Politics exacerbates and magnifies differences.”

I suspect that Freidman and his followers such as Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher would disagree with me about what constitutes a genuinely free market -- but maybe not.  As an anarchist I believe in a totally free and unambiguous free market of exchange.  The real difference I have with the Libertarians, of course, is that I give zero weight to capital and thus have no sympathy for the concept of private property beyond one's basic personal possessions and individual production.

February 14, 2006 in Anarchism, Capitalism | Permalink


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Libertarians are government supremacists. They want "thugs-of-the-state" in place to enforce their "property rights." Small government Republicans (if there is such a thing) certainly want enough government to print their moeny and facilitate exchange. I say the only property to which you have a right is that which you and your confederates can use or defend. Some French guy once said something like "The greatest villain in the history of man is the first person to grab a rock and say 'I own this.' The second greatest is the fool who believed him." True democracy is true self-government... A stateless society of total freedom, where the people of each community make the rules, and if you don't like those rules, you are free to leave. Reagan and Thatcher would certainly not agree.

Posted by: Political Fugster | Mar 1, 2006 9:06:50 AM