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Operation Enduring Chaos

Kim Sengupta has an excellent short piece in The Independent that shouldn't be missed.  It tells the tale of the creation of militias in Iraq -- several of which were proposed and supported by the US -- and how embedded they are in the fabric of Iraqi political society.  The inability to stop sectarian violence is a direct consequence.

"Sergeant Jeff Nelson, an intelligence analyst with the US army's 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, in Baghdad, said: "They have infiltrated every branch of public service and every political office they can get their hands on. As soon as the US leaves, they will be able to dominate the area with key citizens, key offices." 

Sgt Nelson said his battalion has investigated 40 sectarian killings and collected 57 bodies in one week. None had led to any arrest. He said: "Sometimes we have a feeling of complete hopelessness."

Mission accomplished, huh!

October 29, 2006 in America Inc, Bush Administration, Current Affairs, Iraq | Permalink


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