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Another Mindless Election ...

... in which one rich persons' party was exchanged for another rich persons' party.  I read that several billion dollars were spent on this election -- what a damn waste!

Of the MSM political commentators, Lou Dobbs probably got it closest:

November 7 also demonstrated that the American electorate is far more discerning and independent-minded than either political party or our elites would like to believe. While the Democratic Party was the clear winner, I don't believe for even a moment that the Democrats' ideals prevailed over Republican ideals. Election Day was middle-class America's declaration of independence from a Republican-led administration and Congress that for six years has been telling working men and women and their families in this country to shut up, listen up and go to hell. The middle class just returned the favor and demonstrated discernment while delivering their loud message to Washington, D.C.

Bravo for the middle class!  Do you think any of the majority -- the working poor -- were elected?

November 9, 2006 in America Inc, Bush Administration, Campaign 2006, Capitalism, Current Affairs | Permalink


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. . . “we have only one political party in the United States, the Property Party, with two right wings, Republican and Democrat.”

Gore Vidal


Posted by: Charles Clicke | Nov 13, 2006 7:13:51 PM