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In Memoriam ...

T_paul From a notice in Commercial Drive Live, I read that local poet and poetry leader T. Paul Ste Marie has died, perhaps from a stroke.  That's a sad loss for his friends and for the friends of poetry in the city.

T. Paul was a really alive guy -- energetic, enthusiastic.  I knew him best eight to ten years ago when I was performing regularly at Bukowskis and he was running another poetry outlet on Main. He had suffered a brain aneurysm a year or so ago, but I thought he had recovered.

He was a guaranteed original and he will be missed.

June 4, 2007 in Current Affairs, Poetry, Vancouver | Permalink


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He certainly will be.
Thanks for the mention, Jak!

Posted by: Steve Duncan | Jun 5, 2007 8:22:13 AM

The whole statement makes a lot of sense. Point taken here.

Posted by: human growth hormones | Apr 27, 2011 9:22:19 PM