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It's Scary

Earlier this evening, I finished reading The Tyee's fascinating series on one of my favourite topics -- free transit.  The series and the reactions to it -- in comments, additional articles in The Tyee, and in blogs such as Stephen Rees -- have given me a lot to think about; and I will certainly be writing a detailed response myself.

However, while that was foremost in my mind, the TV happened to be playing the end of a "Wheel of Fortune" episode.  The all-American-pretty young woman won an SUV.  The genuine almost overwhelming excitement she and her friends expressed at winning a vehicle (I really thought she was going to faint!) showed just how deep the auto culture has bred itself into the very DNA of most North Americans.  And in that moment I recognised once again how hard it is going to be to argue against the car, and why most people look at me as if I am crazy for not having had a car for so long.

It's scary.

July 31, 2007 in Capitalism, Transit | Permalink


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