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The Invasion of the Dominican Republic

43 years ago today, in order to protect the world from "a second Cuba", US President Lyndon Johnson -- obviously not distracted enough by losing the Vietnam War -- ordered the US Marines to invade that Caribbean superpower, the Dominican Republic.  Operation Power Pack was launched on April 28th, 1965 and the occupation by the imperialist forces lasted until September 1966 after a pro-Trujillo, pro-American president was elected. About 3,000 civilians are thought to have died to save the American Empire.

Lest we forget.

April 28, 2008 in America Inc, Capitalism, History | Permalink


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How far away was "a second Cuba" from the truth....

Posted by: Janio Perez | Apr 28, 2008 12:27:20 PM

MY father served in the 82nd Airborne and was part of the war in the Dominican Republic in 1965. He just passed away January 16,2009 at only 64, a result of Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. My mom and I wonder if his disease was a result of agent orange, but we can not find evidence it was sprayed there. He was always proud of his wings. He was never able to locate any of his fellow soldiers although he tried throughout the years. I Love My Daddy "MY Hero" and miss him so very much.

Posted by: Tracy | Jan 29, 2009 1:07:54 PM